About Us
Gavilani is a luxury brand that rescues Ecuadorian craftsmanship commercialising worldwide
its handmade products made by the best artisans from Ecuador with ancestral techniques,
using the highest quality prime materials from our country.
Ecuador because of it’s geographic location has five natural regions that posses
incomparable riches of elements that are utilized by qualified artisans in the different
branches that have perfected there techniques and quality from generation to generation,
maintaining their identity and their exclusivity for what they’re are worldwide renown by
international organization like UNESCO.
Knowing natures generosity, the creating ability to create impressive crafts, Gavilani, has
gathered the best prime materials giving them a touch of the highest quality and fine
finishes, creating beautiful Toquilla Straw Hats, Fachalinas, Macanas, Shigras, Candongas
and Fagines with exclusive designs, carefully selected in their material and confection,
creation true works of art and utility.
Today, the products that carry our names travel thousand of miles to land in different
American cities, Europe and Asia, opening a new door so that the world knows the rich
Ecuadorian Heritage.